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Company Qualification

U.S. Federal Import Tobacco Qualification

Tobacco Importer:
Permitting information for anyone who wishes to import tobacco products (cigarettes, cigars, chewing tobacco, snuff, pipe tobacco, roll your own tobacco) into the United States for business purposes.​Importer of Processed Tobacco:

Businesses that wish to import processed tobacco into the United States must first obtain this permit.  Businesses with a valid TTB permit to import tobacco products (cigarettes, cigars, chewing tobacco, snuff, pipe tobacco, roll your own tobacco) need not obtain a separate permit to import processed tobacco.  A permit to import tobacco products may be amended to include importation of processed tobacco.

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​American Tobacco License

Tobacco products distributor – any person who:

(a) is authorized to purchase for the purpose of making a first sale in this state cigarettes in unstamped packages from manufacturers who distribute cigarettes in this state and to stamp cigarette packages;

(b) receives untaxed tobacco products for the purpose of making a first sale in this state from a manufacturer either outside or within the state, or brings or causes to be brought into this state untaxed tobacco products for sale, use or consumption;

(c) ships, transports, imports into this state, acquires or possesses cigarettes and makes a first sale of the cigarettes in this state;

(d) manufactures or produces cigarettes; or

(f) is an importer.

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