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We aim to lower the damage of smoking – by developing less harmful cigarettes that contain less nicotine and tar while keeping the taste similar to the traditional cigarettes.


The World Health Organization released a report on the global tobacco epidemic in December 2019. The report pointed out that there are more than 1.3 billion smokers in the world, annual sales of tobacco products have reached 1 trillion US dollars, and that smoking directly causes 8 million smokers to die every year. Although the health effects of smoking are well known, it is difficult to quit smoking. Because there is an addictive substance called nicotine in tobacco. Nicotine is a potent stimulant that can stimulate the central nervous system to increase blood pressure, increase heart rate, and become addictive. Long-term inhalation of nicotine can cause brain cell palsy and cause memory loss. At the same time, it can increase the viscosity of platelets and accelerate blood coagulation, which can easily cause blood clots to block blood vessels and cause cardiac infarction and stroke. Another harmful substance in tobacco is tar. Cigarette tar refers to a layer of brown greasy that accumulates in the cigarette holder after smoking, commonly known as smoke oil. Tar accumulates in the lungs, which can induce canceration of human cells and inhibit human immune function. Tar dissolving in the blood will accelerate the hardening of blood vessels and induce cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases.


A traditional cigarette (length 84mm, circumference 24.5mm) contains approximately 750mg of tobacco, which contains approximately 14-22mg of tar and 2.5-2.8mg of nicotine. The total content of tar and nicotine is 2.2-3.3%. We adopt a four-in-one combination method - professional, industrialized, scientific, and standardized. The annual projected production is 125 million packs. Our cigarettes contain less than 0.1% of nicotine and tar. Lowering the harmful substances and the damage of smoking. The biggest advantage of the product is that it satisfies smokers and hemp users simultaneously. It is a revolution of the tobacco industry.

​Strategic objectives

1.     Obtain MRTP from the FDA

2.       Our brand becomes well-known and challenges the traditional cigarettes.

3.       Become the largest producer of modified risk cigarettes. IPO of the company.

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